Tips for Avoiding Problems with Your Overhead Crane System

An overhead crane system is a feature that can be found in many businesses that will need to regularly move large and heavy items. These crane systems are attached to the roof, and they will allow you to reduce the work that each item will require to move. Due to the dramatic efficiency gains that these crane systems will provide, they can be an excellent investment if you have a sound strategy for this upgrade.

Have the Overhead Cranes Inspected & Serviced Each Quarter

An overhead crane system that experiences daily use can be subjected to a number of damages due to the wear and tear that the moving parts of the crane system will suffer. Regular inspections and service visits are essential for minimizing the potential mechanical issues that these systems could experience.

Many of the issues that these systems will experience develop very gradually over the course of being used for many weeks. By having the overhead crane systems serviced and inspected once every few months, you can repair these issues with your crane system so that major problems are avoided.

Avoid Overloading Your Industrial Cranes

Each overhead crane system will have different limits when it concerns the amount of weight that the system can accommodate. If you attempt to exceed this weight limit, it could be possible for the various parts of the crane system to become warped. The crane system may also become detached fro the ceiling.

You should have the crane system clearly labeled with its weight limits to help your employees avoiding exceeding this capacity. In addition to being a practical decision, this may help to keep your employees safe from sections of the crane falling or items coming loose.

Keep a Backup Power Source Available

For businesses that require the use of overhead cranes, power outages can be remarkably disruptive. These outages will cause the crane system to fail, and this can prevent your workers from being able to do their duties. You can minimize this threat by having a secondary power source installed. These power sources can be in the form of either battery backups or fuel burning generators.

If you choose to have a battery backup installed for this purpose, you should choose the highest capacity battery system possible for your budget and your system. Otherwise, you may find that the battery backups fail within a short time of activating. Additionally, you should have the batteries regularly tested to verify that they will function correctly in response to a power failure.

To learn more or receive assistance, contact companies like Youngs Rigging.
