What Mistakes Should Be Avoided In Maintaining Hydraulic Equipment?

Without proper maintenance, hydraulic equipment can suffer several breakdowns. Unfortunately, this could result in your business operations coming to a halt on numerous occasions. What you need to avoid doing in maintaining your equipment is just as important as what you should do. To guarantee your equipment is in top shape, here are some mistakes you should avoid in maintaining your hydraulic equipment.

Assembling the Hoses Incorrectly

When hydraulic hoses are incorrectly installed, excessive wear and tear can occur. This not only shortens the life of the hoses, but it can lead to poor power transmission. To prevent this, it is important that the hoses are properly connected.

For instance, hydraulic hoses should always have some slack allowed. During operations, a surge in high pressure could cause the hose to contract. If there is no slack, strain will be placed on the hoses and could cause them to crack.

In addition to this, you should also avoid sharp twists and bends in the hoses. It is possible to slightly curve the hoses, but the twists and bends could cause pressure to build up in one point of the hose and could lead to a malfunction of the equipment.

Incorrectly Crimping the Hoses

Incorrectly crimping the hose could result in a poor fitting for the hose fittings. The poor crimping job could result in the fitting being loose or falling off. When the fitting is loose, pressure is lost and the hydraulic equipment will not function as it should.

There are several mistakes that could be made in crimping the hoses, including using the wrong crimper. The crimper should have sufficient pressure that it can perform the job. You also need to ensure the hydraulic hose is properly aligned in the crimp die. Check your owner's manual for crimper and die recommendations for your specific equipment.

Another possible mistake is using the wrong fitting. The fittings are available in several sizes and types and without the right one, your connection could be loose. Check the owner's manual to determine the right series, or type, for the hose that you are using. Once you have the fitting, you need to make sure the hose is inserted far enough into the fitting before you start crimping.

Check your owner's manual for other mistakes you should avoid with your hydraulic equipment. You should also consult with pros who have experience in maintaining the equipment. 
