Guidelines For Planning The Layout Of Air Compressor Pipes
The piping layout that comprises an air compressor system will be reflective of how quickly air is transferred and the air pressure rating. A drop in the pressure rating could cause more energy to be consumed when an air compressor is utilized. Use some tips to guide you in preparing a piping layout that will promote adequate airflow.
Piping Materials And Diameters
Air compressor pipe sections may be constructed of galvanized steel, aluminum, copper, and other metal products. It is important to understand the thermal rating of various metals, plus to be aware of how resistant a particular piping material is to corrosion. The diameter of piping sections will influence how quickly compressed air will move through a piping system.
Large pipe sections usually cost more than narrow pipe sections. They will, however, transfer air more quickly. The quick movement of air will keep the pressure rating of compressed air at a consistent rate. Narrow piping sections may impede airflow. As a result, the pressure rating may drop. A system that utilizes a lower pressure rating will need to work harder than one with a higher rating. This means that an air compressor piping system that contains narrow pipe sections may be expensive to operate.
Multiple Access Points And Valve Selection
A piping system should be laid out in a manner that will provide compressed air with multiple access points. Piping sections that are laid out in a grid or a loop will provide air with multiple pathways to move. This will help maintain the pressure rating of the air as it moves throughout the piping system. The technician who installs piping will likely align all of the pipe rows parallel to one another. This will provide the piping with uniformity.
The valves that are selected for an air compressor pipe system will have a bearing on the pressure rating too. Valves that are used to connect two pipe sections should not alter the diameter of the piping. Valves should adequately support the pipe sections that are being joined together, but should not make the pipe endings more narrow than their original diameter.
There may be a need in the future to change the layout of a piping system or to increase the number of pipe sections that will comprise a piping system. Shutoff valves can be used to restrict airflow through any pipe sections that are going to be modified.